Footprints in the Sand

By JustKeepSwimmin

Intervention (51)

I played a crane game for like the first time in my life today. Both times I missed the stuffed animal bird/penguin. Both times I got the stuffed animals.

First time I barely missed the fat chick hammer thing that lights up when you hit it and as the crane reset back to it's original position I mentally prepared myself for the walk of shame. However, suddenly the game lighted up as though someone had put in another 10 NT. This miraculously happened like 5 times and in the end I got my stuffed animal chicken hammer.

Second time was in the Kaohsiung Dream Mall. I payed my 10 NT and completely missed the fat penguin stuffed animal. However, the Lady Luck of Crane Games decided to bestow her grace on me again. As the crane landed a few centimeters away from the penguin, a piece of its fabric caught onto the crane causing it to literally hung in the air for a good ten minutes until we were able to find an employee to open the game and give it us.

Crane Game-0

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