At The Back of Town

After the storm…

We really missed the worst of the storm as Wanaka often does, being kinda surrounded by mountains.

The Boss shot out after his breakfast and before my grub to grab this pic which is a view down the road where they first lived with the Roy Range in the background. By post (this site not the other) time most of the white stuff had gone but it was chilly even with oversized curls.
His morning was spent at coffee with the photo group and salivating  over the Apple Special event where the new iPhone 7+ was shown complete with 2 cameras, a regular one and one with a longer lens, and clever software that combines them to 10X zoom, plus another clever bit that in “portrait” mode produces images with soft focus DOF  (Depth of field) backgrounds. Oh, and image stabilisation and an F1.2 lens was thrown in.
The Bossess on hearing this news demanded immediate coffee and talked about the weather.

Luckily the 7+ won’t fit in his jeans pocket. Phew!

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