Buzzin' around
This morning I nipped down the street to borrow a camera from my near-neighbour Sorcha, who had seen of my predicament on Facebook, and offered to help out. I thought she was an SLR photographer, but she now has a compact that looks, and works, rather like the one that I just dropped! She showed me her teddy, too (funny, I seem to have unleashed something with my teddyblip of yesterday), and we agreed that I would lend her and her boyfriend series 1-11 of Frasier!
Today has been busy: a friend came round with her children, to play, and to learn about the house, as they will be looking after it, and our cat Bomble, in a fortnight's time. The children are looking forward to their time with the furry one. Then there were products to make; notes to write; and a suitcase that has not yet been packed, for we are off tonight to the Isle of Wight for a few day's R&R by the sea.
Still, we managed a quick trip to Stroud Cemetery , for Eileen remembered the profusion of butterfly life that we had found the last time we walked there. This time she had her camera phone, and I Sorcha's camera. Soon Eileen was drawn to a buzzing sound, and we found these beautiful red things (hoverflies?) nestling among the flowers. By the time I had got Sorcha's camera's zoom and macro working, I only managed a rather poor shot before the last of the hoverflies departed. Still, I am posting it because it is a celebration of wildlife and biodiversity, if not of photography!
Now, I really have to figure out how to use the thumbnail-operated zoom...
VLUU P1200 / Samsung P1200
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