Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Ask me nicely

No I'm not showing Bill puppy videos on YouTube. This was seriously geeky technical stuff - I was playing with the remote control on the LX100 as part of my 15/45 approach to work. Ask me nicely and I might tell you what that is all about.

I thought this picture of Bill and I looked good as a cartoon. Appropriate really as I confessed in the office this week that I once had the hots for a certain cartoon character (along with quite a few other men of my generation apparently). Ask me nicely and I might tell you what that is all about.

Lot of loose ends today. Busy day of meetings tomorrow and somewhere along the line I need to pack for America. It's not good to go on holiday without any clothes. Believe me I know. Ask me nicely and I might tell you what that is all about too ...

PS after I published this I noticed that we both look as if we have been up to our elbows in chocolate. I have to say, some days that's not far off the truth ...


Five years ago today I did my 100th blip - and I thought that was an achievement!

Two years ago today we had a lovely day in Whitstable.

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