The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A roller coaster day with Maisie!

In the morning we went to the park and Maisie spent a few minutes with a little Yorkie puppy that was afraid of other dogs. Maisie was so sweet and gentle and after a few minutes the little Yorkie relaxed and she and Maisie lay together - nose to nose and paw to paw ..

Then to see mum, where Maisie lay on her blanket for a while - then wandered around visiting people.

In the afternoon I took her to Sewerby. There are a lot (147 I'm told) of very steep steps down to the beach so I let Maisie off the lead at the top of the steps so she didn't have to go at my plodding speed. She ran to the beach .. ran about and as soon as I got down there, ran back up the steps and along the clifftop - aaargh!

Up I plodded and eventually she came back and all was well - apart from two people telling me terrifying stories of dogs falling to their death from the clifftop!

She had a good time on the beach - but wasn't too good at listening to anything I said to her .. 

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