Swampys stuff

By swampy316

A muntjack dear

Ok after work I went to see a chap who has been kind enough to let me loose in his garden more like a nature reserve. Meet him one day when out photographing kingfishers. He told me he had a pair that nest at his lake but had not seen them for some time. have been there a couple of times no joy. Today I went and he was out but I heard that call so I went in and yes I saw one elated can't wait to tell him while I was waiting to get another shot this muntjack stolled out of the undergrowth so I took some shots in this one I think she is smelling the air. Looking at the other shots zoomed in I think she may have young as here teats are showing quite well. Anyway im back home now happy as larry . Ps While I was there I saw what I belive to be a pair of sparrow hawks hopefully catch them another day.

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