Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


The Church’s Restoration
in eighteen-eighty-three
has left for contemplation
not what there used to be.
how well the ancient woodwork
looks round the Rect’ry hall,
memorial of the good work
of him who plann’d it all.

He who took down the pew-ends,
and sold them anywhere,
but kindly spared a few ends
work’d up into a chair.
O worthy persecution
of dust! O hue divine!
O cheerful substitution.
thou varnishèd pitch-pine!

Church furnishing! Church furnishing!
Sing art and crafty praise!
he gave the brass for burnishing,
he gave the thick red baize,
he gave the new addition,
pull’d down the dull old aisle,
— to pave the sweet transition
he gave th’encaustic tile.

Of marble brown and veinèd
he did the pulpit make;
he order’d windows stainèd
light red and crimson lake.
Sing on with hymns uproarious,
ye humble and aloof,
Look up! And oh, how glorious
He has restored the roof!

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