Occasional Musings

By cookingisgood

"(S)He's Behind You!!"

We hold our church services in the gallery area of the Peoples Theatre in Newcastle - regular church in an irregular venue - the services are relaxed in format, around cafe-style tables, over coffee and refreshments as required. We're not a handwaving-and-dancing-in-the-aisles bunch (as a friend once said "You don't have to do a handstand to get a cup of tea") so all the ordinary stuff you might expect in a church happens. Songs and hymns are sung, prayers are said and the bible is read and actively taught and explained.

(that last bit may be a contrast to some churches, where although the bible still gets an airing, does the man/woman at the front bother to really explain what it's on about, or do they just go off at a tangent in the sermon, leaving the congregation wondering what the point of the readings were?)

Meeting in a gallery means that our "stained glass windows" change on a 6 or 8-weekly basis and as it's currently Panto season, we were greeted by these glorious mannequin wigs this morning :-) Some people find them a bit spooky, but I think they're great, the imagination that's gone into them is fantastic (you might get a closeup of some favourites for next Sunday's blippage). However, when playing in the "the band" or leading from the front, there's a definite sensation of being watched!!!

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