Sand dunes and pine forests

A U3A excursion to Guadamar del Segura, about 70- 80 km south from where we live, took us to a very different type of coastline.....away from the pebble beaches and cliffs to where there are salt flats and sand dunes.....and the town, of Guadamar, situated at the mouth of the River Segura.
As we know sand dunes are created by prevailing winds, and they can 'migrate'......but a local engineer, at the beginning of the twentieth century, encouraged the local people to plant trees.....mainly pines and fix the dunes: to stop them encroaching on the town.....
Today's Blip shows some of the 11kilometres of pines on the dunes....twisted into fantastic shapes by the wind.
The excursion was interesting....geographically and historically....and then we enjoyed a lunch, with wines and beers, before returning home!
A full day!

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