
By Akasha


I love lilies they have such a lovely fragrance. Cant understand why people pull out the stamens, they are the parts that give scent. My favourites are night scented stocks, Sweet peas and of course honeysuckle. I grow herbs in my garde which I use for various things, my two favourites are Lavender and Rosemary, Rosemary is great if you put a couple of sprigs in trainers or any smelly shoe as it gets rid of the whiff. Herbs have such lovely clean smell.

My indoor Peace liley is flowering again, I have no idea how this plant survives, its around fifteen years old and has been chewed at and nibbled at by the all the dogs it looks a right sorry state (must blip it one day) but the poor thing flowers and survives. Theres only about two sprigs left on it thanks to the Poochies but it keeps producing the most wonderful flowers.
Goes to show, life goes on regardless of the chunks it take out of you.

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