Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Totally Cropped

I was painting until midnight last night, finishing off the bedroom - a concerted effort to get it sorted so we could move back into it today.

Late night painting dilemma:
1. Shut the window so the insects don't come in and get stuck in the paint, but then get REALLY HOT (stripped to just shorts and still roasting).
2. Keep the window open and end up with a nice, textured effect with a fly and moth theme.

I went for 2 - looks OK :)

Couldn't sleep after that. Up at 07:00 to start getting the room put back together. Pete popped in to fit the new pane for the Velux too, so it's looking corking. Finished at 14:00 after tidying up Jnr Jnr's room too (the dumping ground for all our stuff) and then went down to the park to see the girls play in the water park bit..... and fell asleep on the grass!!!

Mrs H did a very nice BBQ for tea and is now doing her cake-magic thing in the kitchen for her Dad's birthday.

Totally cropped - off for an early night..........

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