Oooops...I went to work!

I promise not to go on about my back after today!!!

I had my first physio appointment today, just 2 days after a referral through the Gp. I was amazed how fast that was. I was seen by a very young physio who I had trouble taking seriously as I stood there in my bright pink bra as he looked just like Joey Essex. He spent an hour with me  being very gentle and checking out my limits. I was given some gentle exercises to do to try and get me moving again but said he wasn't going to do any manipulation while I was in the 'acute phase'. When I told him what had happened with the osteopath last week, he raised his eye brows and shook his head then told me that would not have helped me at all and seemed quite shocked. I'm so glad he said that as it's exactly what I had been trying to tell Mr W yesterday. I am now on a 6 week programme of treatment and suggested I continued with the diazepam and tried to keep mobile.

So I was supposed to be off sick all day today and apart from an easy job tomorrow, off until Tuesday where Mr W is driving anyway. But after seeing the physio, I had an email from work saying they where having trouble covering my family this I relented! I know...I know...Im not doing myself an favours, but it was a final visit that I was doing with Daughter Number 1 and Mr W was helping with transport so felt I really should go. We were then stuck on the M25 and Mr W just happened to be passing me when it was time for my 2.30 Selfie!!!

When I finally got in I stuffed my face with my days tablets!!!! (Not really!) but it was great to lay down!

But thank you to all my great friends and family for your ongoing concern and care for what has been a very debilitating and painful 2 weeks and I apologise for boring you all with it for so long!!!


and in other news, Sams Picture came this morning AND I have managed to arrange for Bear to come and visit on Tuesday when Sam is here from Cornwall as a surprise for him and Mr W. Oh I can't wait to see her...and their faces!!!!

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