Vuelta al Cole

We went back yesterday. 

A bit of a shock to the system, I'm not gonna lie....;-) 

The sun finally broke out today- we've had grey/rain/grey since last week. The day was pretty good, but I spent the majority of it running around like a headless chicken. I booked to have a blood test in my lunch hour, but they were running late so I had about five minutes to eat lunch and then a mad dash back to school.

I had my appointment with A tonight. It went too quickly, but it was a good session. We started off talking about school but mostly about family stuff, as it's been a pretty rubbish terrible week. I always come away feeling more positive, which is always a good lift. The lady is a legend ;-) 

When I got home everything seemed a bit better. My mum had good news from a scan which we were a bit worried terrified about, so it felt a little like a weight had been lifted. I kind of wanted to chill, but the sun was glorious so I decided to go and walk B with my mum. We had a nice walk, and then stopped in on my other sister and had a chat.

Later on when we got back it turned into world war three with other family. Little B didn't want to go in, you could hear the yelling from the street. I did my best to mediate, and an hour or so later things were a bit better. Forget worrying about a career change, I should work for the UN Peacekeeping Force....;-)

I realised I hadn't had a drink since break, so my head was banging and I finally had a bath. I thought I would go to the gym even though I'm suppose d to be resting my shoulder, but as soon as the trouble kicked off I knew it wasn't to be. 

I got into bed and tried to watch GBBO on i-player, but I was too tired and had to call it a night. 

Um, where did those 6 weeks just go? I'm shattered and it's only day two!

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