Gitama's World

By Gitama

A Bit of Play

I have been feeling a bit sorry for myself today....Ive nearly come a cropper with those bloody crutches a few times already I have decided not to use them if I can help it.
As we all know necessity is the mother of invention and I have worked out that I can use my office chair as a wheelchair and get myself around without having to use those bloody  dangerous things. I have already trained the boy to push me through the house....I have a basket with all my stuff in so its only one trip.
The boy has been awesome and a very very good help 'I love you Nanny' was the best part.

From my office chair I can wheel myself around so I can make a cup of tea and put the dishes in the dishwasher....all sorts of things really...its a very cool mode of transport for the incapacitated.
Getting up the stairs is a bit of a bother...they are now being cleaned by the bum of my the time Ive finished they will be polished within an inch of their life. Coming down is a bit the same...Jaiya reckons she is going to get me some cardboard so I can slide down on that......I grit my teeth thinking about knocking my foot.

After getting a few things done I felt really tired and  fell asleep for a long my other was one of those sleeps that's hard to wake up from.
I was wondering what I was going to blip tonight...when I spied the lovely gardenias that Jaiya picked in the candlelight so I thought to have a play with some light and shadow...candlellight is so lovely but very orange....I fixed that in p/shop.
Still tired im going to have an early night.

“Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”


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