Spring is in the air
Cool morning, sunshine, warmth in the sun. Spring is indeed in the air.
Today was our Year 11's day to complete their 5km run assessment. The start of the session should have warned us that things were going to be rocky......the bus company only sent one bus to transport almost 70 students! The major downer of the day (though, to be fair, there were a number of other glitches leading up the the major one........) was whoever sabotaged the course.
G had marked out the course before they arrived and then before they began, briefed them all about where they should and shouldn't go. The course was all simple and straighforward. But when the first few runners to finish did so in very good times - as did the next group.........and by the time we had just a few more students back at the finish also in very good times we knew something was amiss. A little probing and we soon learned that someone had moved some cones sending runners around a shorter track.
We obviously can't count these times for an assessment. When the students learn this on Monday they are not going to be happy. We have some work to do to find the culprits but I'm pretty sure they will be identified (or will identify themselves).
Spring fever antics eh?
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