
By DawnAgain


Despite the somewhat horrendous weather forecast the Saturday bike ride went ahead this morning and Barnham did indeed seem to have its own fair weather microclimate. Unfortunately, half way up the first big hill my bike malfunctioned and that was the end of it for me and Kyla, who fortunately had a friend in Fontwell with a van who came and rescued us following a prolonged attempt at fixing it. It appears to be an issue with the rear dérailleur, probably caused when my bike carrier with bike attached fell off the car recently, and only became apparent when I went into the lowest gear today going up that hill. Anyway, the bike is now booked in for a service and repair next weekend. Meanwhile we stopped off in Singleton on our way back for coffee and cake so not an entirely wasted morning.

Picked up Son2 and two of his friends on the way through Midhurst - in by now torrential rain - and dropped them off at their homes in Haslemere. Had a quiet afternoon watching the Paralympics and the Vuelta, then took the dogs for a walk when the rain finally stopped. Said hello to the bull.

Off out for dinner this evening with one set of outlaws and Mr DawnAgain's brother, whose birthday it is today.

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