So nearly

It was all going so well. There I was glued to Joe's wheel all the way up the hill and not knackered by the time the hill took its wee sharp steep bit and I stood up to give the gear one good push and crack! Snapped the chain. One crummy link was all that stood between me and pushing Scobes back down so I was once again the second slowest person climbing Arthur's Seat. Damn that single speed and its corroded chain.

Had to stop and fix it after walking up the hill to find that Joe and TFP had just pissed off without me. The swines. Still, previous form would have suggested that a red faced me would be along in a minute. Fixing it meant shortening the chain and running it on the small chain ring although that meant pedalling like buggery but only managing about 14mph on the flat and relying on gravity on the downhills. Turns out that that's more knackering than churning the big gear. Didn't manage to catch up with them again, allthough Neil did wait at Cramond. Still, 44 miles for the day.

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