The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Wet, wet, wet!

Today was the day of the Alzheimer's Society Memory Walk. It was absolutely awful weather - it poured and poured for the entire two hours it took to go over and back across the Humber Bridge. Every time I looked at poor Maisie I felt so guilty. I can't claim it was much fun and I was glad when it was finally over!

As we crossed the finishing line we were all handed a bottle of water and a medal (including the dogs! See extra photo)

I can't see how to add an extra photo from my phone :/

I messed around for hours trying to get my flipping wifi working when I got home. I set up a new router - a Facebook friend spent a lot of time trying to help but it refused to work even though the diagnostic thingy said everything was fine.

Eventually I thought I'd check the website of the provider and it seems the service has been down for hours and hours! Wah - what a waste of time!

So - for now all I can do is blip from my phone using dodgy iPhone photos!

A blip friend very very kindly donated to my page - I hope she sees my thanks here as I'm unable to thank her any other way until I get my computer back! Thank you - very much appreciated!

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