
The owl show at the Fair today was almost as good as the Six, yes count them (in extras), 6 Blue Ribbons on my photos.  Remember I said my friend and I give almost only Blue ribbons when we're judging.  Don't want to discourage anyone.....

Jon and I went over early to check out the exhibits, animals and of course what the results were and we happened to catch this owl demonstration.  They are, looking clockwise, Great Horned Owl, Asian Eagle Owl, Barn Owl,
Barred Owl, the little Screech Owl and center is also the Great Horned.  These are all owls that have been injured or imprinted and can no longer go back to being wild.  The caretakers of them have 15 right now, they don't do rehab, they get them after rehab and keep them for the rest of their lives.  Some of them can live up to 60 years!!! So, yes, they have made arrangements in their will for other people to care for them when they are no longer here.  Amazing!  They spend about $1000/month on frozen mice for them too.  I was more than fascinated by these birds.

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