Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


We're here. Bit of an epic journey experience, but we made it. I always forgot how thorough US immigration is ... took us two hours to get through after a seven hour flight.

I have never had such a short taxi ride from a city airport into the centre which was good. Went for a walk up to the harbour (by then we really needed some fresh air) and kissed in the middle of the compass rose way mark on Long Wharf and I took this picture looking back into the city. The clock is on the Boston Custom House Tower and is an essential reference point if you are staggering around half asleep at eight pm local time (1 am as far as your body is concerned) looking for somewhere vaguely vegetarian  to eat. We ended up in the Mai Thai which does an astonishing range of Thai food, all of it vegan. The place is very relaxed, cafe style, a bit hip obviously as Boston is a big place for seafood and meat. 

And now I must sleep .... My body is saying 3am ...

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