Not a puffer

I avoided the fried ones the other night despite it being a speciality. It's a 30 year joke with my dad and eating octopus. And I still feel the same! 

Two live octopus today... Just the way I like to see them! 

We've had a welcome chill in 12metres of water, diving off a neat little RIB with about 6 others. There's not been masses to see but there was a huge amount of purple spiked, tiny nudibranchs scattered around on the first dive; a few superb shoals of fish swimming straight at us that took late evasive action, split and streamed past at full tilt either side; and plenty of scorpion fish. 

This big fella was about the size of my palm... Huge in the nudibranch world and it wasn't until Rich saw it on screen that he realised it wasn't a puffer fish!

I had the same shock breathing that I experienced in Vietnam trying to go under but had no issues on the second dive despite anticipating it. I also had on my new luxury heated vest under my wetsuit which stops my bones rattling with cold magnificently.

We enjoyed fantastic chicken and chips and a Solero at the hotel where the dive centre is based before heading back along the salt farms and wading birds to our pad.

I've now got a post-dive banging head but we're just chilling out and having some elbow in the knots treatment before going out for tea.

For my dive log:
Dive 1
6kg but added 2... 8 too many!
7mm wet suit, rashy, heated vest & thermacline, hood & gloves 

Dive 2

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