LocalBoy & His Fotographs

By stevenbirrell

Early Start

Train down and back to Salford today. Wasn't a happy commuter this morning. Train into Preston was running late so looked like I was going to miss my connection. Conductor saw me running for train, doors had just closed but he refused to re-open door. Instead he thought it would be helpful to mouth 'get the next one'. Customer service at its best. The next one didnt go to Salford so I had to go to Bolton and then the next train to Salford was delayed. For the sake of a few seconds, I was half an hour late. When you are only there for 6 hours, that's a lot of time to waste/lose.

Anyway, rant over, this is the view just as we started heading over the Forth Bridge this morning. Just underneath here is Deep Sea World, where I did my shark dive the other week.

Edinburgh tomorrow, might hang around after meetings to see a bit of the festival in the evening.

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