These sweet little cows, well they were really half grown calves, were kept in a field on the hill behind our friends' place where we stayed this weekend. I think it was the summer before last and my girlfriend and I would sit on the balcony and watch them. You could hear then lowing and their bells tinkling when they moved. I was pleased with the photos I took of them but didn't think I would paint them. I made a half hearted attempt last year but put it in the too hard basket. When I realised it was my girlfriend's 60th this year I decided to have another go, this time on a larger canvas. It took a couple of weeks and there was lots of wiping off the faces and trying again until i was happy. It was finished in time to take with us this weekend. I though my friend would open it on her birthday but she couldn't wait. I was glad, actually, as I was dying to know if she liked it. She was delighted and hung it in her bedroom so she could see it when she was in bed. The cows went away in the winter and didn't come back but there were some horses in the field for a while, although I wasn't there at the time.
I was pleased with the result - I haven't done anything like this before - and it has provided me with 2 blips: last Thursday's Abstract was taken from this painting as well.

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