Endless Weekend

By Endless_Weekend

Fall is in the light

The light outside feels so different already.  It's not officially fall, but it's clearly here.  Mosa enjoying the sunshine.  She follows me everywhere.  I'll miss her when her mom comes home from Scotland.  But I'll be happy to be pet free again too.

Yesterday was Doug's birthday - we celebrated with a delicious dinner of filet mignon out at a restaurant we haven't been to in quite some time. Very good food, nice prosecco wine, good time.

My painting challenge is challenging me!  Funny how a challenge you make for yourself is just as hard as if someone else made the challenge. I take it so seriously, and I make myself nutty.  I have to work on that!  
I may have used this quote before, but it just seems right:

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” 

― Robert F. Kennedy  

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