Haute Cuisine

A couple of weekends ago I bought the Sunday Herald.

This is an event in itself. If I buy a Sunday newspaper once a year, that's a lot. Too much other stuff to do.

Anyway, I saw a recipe from Shirley Spear who is chair of the Scottish Food Commission and owns one of the country's top restaurants. Clearly the idea was to get more people cooking more great dishes with more great Scottish ingredients.

So tonight it was peppers stuffed with black pudding and Feta cheese. Shirley's recipe calls for Scottish tomatoes and cream cheese, but I couldn't find either (and the foreign tomatoes I saw were too small). 

Not to worry. It all worked and was delicious.

Maybe I should plan on dinner in her restaurant. It's in the north of Skye. A 5 hour drive from here...

Three Chimneys

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