The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Spirit in the sky

The sun was shining this morning, and we had a bit of a lie -in before getting ready to rush off to Gloucester. I arrived an hour early to set up my stall, but didn't realise! We were inside a hall in a community centre, with the high curtains closed. No daylight.

This event turned out to be not my best yet. I sold one card all afternoon. That was it. On the other hand, I did win a raffle prize, and got my eyebrows threaded for a fiver. As I was having it done, I remembered my niece, Christina, once asking, before she went to the beauty parlour,

"Is it as painful as giving birth?"

Well, I haven't actually given birth ( yet, LOL) but I'd hazard a guess! The eyebrow thing only lasts ten minutes, for starters!

Steve brought me home and I was about to pop out to take a photo, when we realised we had no potatoes! Dinner disaster! A few phone calls later, he'd found a shop that was open, and set off...

By that time, it was getting rather late, but I went out to the cemetery for a silhouette shot. I've ramped up the colour in PhotoDirector. Some days just don't go as planned, but it's not too late to keep trying. Or something.

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