Snips and Snaps


Southport Airshow

As Ian was racing in the Lakes today I took myself off to the Southport Airshow and a fine day for it too.  Met up with sister and friend and took lots of shots of the planes - see extra.  But had to post this pic of Thomas for my blip.  He was sitting alone and his pose and clothing caught my attention on my way back to the station.  He looks a bit down in the extra, but we sat and chatted and he was as bright as a button and was happy to talk about his his life all of which was interesting.  Having turned 90 this year his many years of retirement from teaching have been varied and well spent - he was amused at my antics with the camera and delighted to be the subject of interest.  What a  gent - I wished him well and left for my train   : ) 

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