Autumn at the Summer House

It is hard to believe it is already September. We have warm and sunny and summery weather, which is nice. Today we went to the summer house, to mow lawns and enjoy the very last days of summer.

Mum noticed that there were a lot of holes in the lawns, and when she went round the house she saw that something, or someone, had tried to dig a hole under the house! And left a HUGE pile of poo as a message. It turned out a badger is lurking around here somewhere. Mum is NOT happy!

I didn't mow any lawns. I chilled on the veranda, I ran at top speed on the lawn with my pig, I went up to the paddling spot and splashed around a bit and I shared a pizza outside with mum. Not bad!

It does get dark early, and at the summer house, dark means really dark. Mum is not super happy about this, so I have my bedtime walkies early, just before it gets pitch black. I don't mind darkness, and mum shouldn't either. She's got me! But between the wild boars and the badger, she is hard to convince.

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