Balmaha to Inverarnan

The whole length of Loch Lomond today - and if you've driven along the southern side you'll know just how long it is - and it turned out to be my favourite day of the whole walk, it was so varied and interesting.  It was more demanding in that we were following the shoreline and had to negotiate rocks and tree roots for much of the time, but really enjoyable.

Sometime during the morning we reached a pub for coffee... with two members lagging painfully behind.  When they arrived they she announced that she couldn't go a single step further as the pain in her feet was excruciating, she was being physically sick and she was quitting!  Now while I wouldn't wish that sort of suffering on anybody, it must be said that most of it was her own fault.  Some weeks ago she'd walked 9 miles in the Peak District with the group and found it very hard going and had thought the pace was rather fast.  Several of us had urged her to do some serious training for the West Highland Way but it was obvious to us that she hadn't, that she hadn't broken her boots in sufficiently and that she had no idea of what it would be like to walk for six days in a row.  So she and her friend took a very expensive taxi to The Drovers' Inn at Inverarnan to wait for us.

The Drovers' Inn has to be seen to be believed and the second extra is pretty representative of the style of décor ;-)  The first extra is of course Loch Lomond... oh and the main is a very attractive toadstool!

24 miles approx.

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