Don't be fooled.

Don't be fooled!

I bought some sweets. I'm having a little trouble with the weightloss plan at present, its not the plan its me that doesn't follow it as i should. If you stick to it it works.

So after a disaster last week with our group we declared war on weight and made a pact we'd all try hard. So I have.

So, when shopping, i bought some horrible pea flavoured corn things, which were always going to be horrible cos I hate peas, anyway, I like these sweets. Strawberry and cream. Not just any cream, REAL cream. What a treat. And sugar free.

You have to be careful though because apparently some sugar free sweets have a laxative effect. Maybe thats how they help a weight loss.

So, there are two packets. I didn't count how many sweets were in the little box. Now they are lovely and sugar free, so free on the weightloss plan! No! 3g comes to nil poit but a hundred granmes comes to a whole load more! The box is 44g so the two together equate to 88g.

This is how i worked out 100g. Its near enough. And i don't know if a single sweet equals 3gm. So all in all, both packets come to a smart point total of 9! 9! And I've eaten them all, thank goodness.
Next time your out and about on your duties and you fancy a strawberry and cream, think of the points in them and "don't be fooled'!

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