
By mydayblipped

Food and Film

Today's diary:
Had a lie in which was really nice! Normally I don't sleep past 7am
Lazed about in the morning, played games on facebook, cleaned the bathroom, hoovered that sort of thing.
Watched the cat sit watching the shed hoping some mice would come out to play with him..he sat there just about all day stoopid cat!
In the afternoon my inlaws came through, had a cuppa and a catchup and then me and my hubby headed out for supper at TGI Friday's followed by a trip to Cineworld to see Ted.
Food was ok, a bit cold, I should know better than to have pasta at TGI's but oh well.
Ted was good, was funny. There was a lot of men there which after watching I think is maybe's a girly film really...I guess just adding in crass humour makes it ok for guys to go and see a film about a couple's relationship being marred by a teddy but everything comes good in the end.

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