Tiny Tuesday: Caterpillar
Somehow I managed to pick a day when the temperature peaked at 33.9C to do some work in the garden. The sort of gardening I'm good at; hacking things back. Next door's pyrocantha was taking over on my side of the divide and starting to block my side entrance so a bit of drastic work was required. I came across several things that would do for Tiny Tuesday, some of them crawling up my leg and others landing on my head. I found a very attractive hairy orange and black caterpillar but he was a bit too fleet of foot to get a decent shot, so I had to settle for this green one. Only an inch long, but on some of the shots it was clear that even he had a tiny flea on his back.
Considering that this was taken with manual focus and a full set of macro extension tubes, one handed as the caterpillar was negotiating the hairs on my other hand, it didn't turn out too badly.
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