Does it take anyone else half the day to do the food shopping?! All that loading and unloading. Flipping waste of a lovely morning.

Spent much of afternoon on the phone sorting out various work things. Then quick visit to lime.

Toby had after school sports club. Football today. I watched the last 5 mins and he was getting so frustrated. He said after that nobody was passing him the ball. He was the youngest one there and hasn't played much footy (since neither of us can bear football) but it made me ache inside watching him trying so hard to join in and not getting anywhere!

Home for a quick butty and putting another load of washing out then out to swimming. Toby managed his 10m badge tonight. He's also starting to be able to swim on his front and lifting his head to breathe without putting his feet down which is a first. He did so well and really put in a lot of effort tonight. He must've been so tired because he's had p.e today at school as well.

By time I had cooked dinner, Toby had done his spellings and reading and had a bath it was very late to bed. I'm absolutely pooped but need to get my stuff together for our weekend away.

Had a nice surprise tonight from my wonderful husband. It would have been even nicer had some pikey not pinched it en route to the warehouse. Now have to wait six weeks for my aluminum anniversary pressie.

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