You did WHAT?
Step one is done. Application was accepted.. Now I am trying to think positive on the 5 more steps I have to do before I go work for another company...
When I was laid off because the company went out of business I started to look around to spend the second half of my career at. I thought I found that company and for 4 years it went well. After we were taken over by a company back east we went from a family company to a wall street company. I became a number instead of a name. I gave it a go for two years knowing it takes time to integrate systems and such but things have continued to go down hill..
So about 6 months ago I started looking again to see what is available.. With a narrow criteria I have I knew it wouldn't be easy. Basically I didn't want to start at the bottom again. So I saw an opening for a local job in my home town not knowing any details about it what so ever and i just applied to it thinking I haven't got anything to lose by trying. This company is internationally based with operations throughout the world.
Today I got a phone call. The job pays on average $15,000 LESS per year than an average over the road driver makes.. Ouch. So we got to talking about some other positions in the company without me moving out of my home state and not going into areas that I won't go for my personal safety. There were multiple positions open with an average about $2000 a year cut in pay but dedicated work. I would always know what, when and where I would be going and have a consistent amount of time off every week. Basically I could get a life outside of work.
The worst trade off is losing my 4 weeks of paid vacation each year and will have just one week my first year... The great positive is when I confirmed I have 22 years behind me over the road with Wyoming experience I was told they would create a position if they had to because you don't survive that long out here without doing the right thing.. I should know in a month or so if I stay with my current job or not..
I saw this bird a few days ago and it would not let me get a picture of it. Today I saw two and trailed them and I was able to get just two not so great photos of one of them. With the exception of a crop this is straight out of the camera.. If anyone knows what it is please let me know. Headed to Tucson Arizona tomorrow...
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