Just the one today

Had a nightmare experience yesterday.

Was walking Lottie in a quiet street near home and we were attacked by a loose dog.
The dog had got out of its property and the owner was looking for it, asked me if I'd seen it and then next minute it appeared and ran straight for us.
It got hold of Lottie and shook her like a rag doll.
Short story, we managed to get him off her, mainly by me kicking him.
Owner and I were both crying, yelling and in shock.
I rushed to our vet , luckily nearby,
Lottie has 4 puncture wounds but is ok but shaken.
I can't believe it wasn't worse and that I didn't get bitten either.
Owner was very upset and apologetic. Has offered to pay for vet bill too.

So today I could only handle taking one dog to the park.
My nerves are still shot!

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