
By SilverImages


"I'm nuts and I know it. But so long as I make 'em laugh, they ain't going to lock me up."
 Red Skelton

So after dropping M and J off I went to Belle Vue park for a wander in the morning sunshine.  Is it me or is Autumn here?  A lovely morning anyway.

And as I started my walk from the car there's this guy with a face full of nut staring at me around a tree - and he stays there long enough for me to photograph him [or her].  Magic!  Such a contrast to yesterday's thunderstorms.

So I enjoy this beautiful park for an hour or so, then time to return home via a coffee with J. 

Manage to finish the first draft of the photobook about D this afternoon after giving the grass a short back and sides.  Probably give the book a few days to settle before finalising it - time to look over it and let it tell me if there are any amendments needed.

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