Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Watching Bake Off

Last week I was so craving something sweet while watching, so this afternoon Aiden decided to bake and this is her result.

It's deliciously moist chocolatey Devils cake.

Woke up with a pain in my upper back this morning and realised I've had this pain before, wondered if it was one of my moles, so thought I'd better make an appointment to get it checked out especially as last week one of the moles on my face was bleeding, and I have a little bump under the skin on my neck plus there's a skin tag on my chest which has become crusty, so all these things need to be explored.

The Dr I saw must have been in a mood today as he was very abrupt and quite unlike how I remembered him before, anyway he reckons I have so many moles and if I were to have skin cancer I would have had it by now!! But he is concerned about the pain so he's sending my for a chest X-ray. The little bump he reckons is a sebaceous cyst and unless it's infected they don't like to remove it when it's on the neck, and the bleeding mole seems fine but I've to keep an eye on it, the crusty skin tag isn't a skin tag but a wart and I can go on waiting list for removal.

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