
By OneClickAtATime

360 Degrees


I needed to chase my random thoughts and decided to post a blip today.

Motherhood is overwhelming. Yet true to what other Mums say, it is fulfilling. Fulfillment to me seems to be an understatement still. There is no exact word how profound this experience is. I look at all Mummies now with awe and amazement... and with utmost respect by embarking this extraordinary rollercoaster phase in life.

Our Zeddy Bub is almost eight months now. I look back at the moment he finally decided to come out since he was a bit overstaying in my comfy womb. Life for us turned around completely... as in 360 degrees. Especially for me... a career-driven, hyperactive woman who always wants to do something no matter how trivial, I have come to fully embrace my new role as a Mum.

And while taking care of our little bundle, I have also unintentionally embarked in a new journey of self-discovery. I am amazed of my transition staying at home for almost 24/7. I loaded myself with a lot of things to do... for the baby, for my husby, for our home and for myself. There are times of inevitable breakdowns, but always followed with breakthroughs and a new hope in each new sunrise.

Me, being me, still surfaces in how I face the challenges day by day. Perhaps, I am so rooted to that psyche of somehow putting order amidst the chaos. There are times that I just let things be. I have a list of things to do and came up with a daily metric to score myself - my motivation to push. It feels good... yeah it feels so good to score high towards the day's end. Then, I give myself time for rewards... small things but encouraging.

I have a separate list to nourish my brain cells and most importantly, my heart and my soul. Sometimes I am just simply overwhelmed. But there's Zeddy, he is the constant priority and the rest will just fall into place.

And then there's my husby, my silent resilient supporter and prayer buddy. Seeing them both together just melts my heart away.

I believe my story is a story of most Mums. More so, I believe each Mum's story is a story of survival in faith... a story of humility. I have all the more valued my trivial tasks, each treated now as a milestone. I am victorious at the end of the day. I claim victory every single day.

For me... there are two operative words to describe my continuous journey... FAITH. HUMILITY.

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