
By SilverImages

St Katherine's Chapel, Abbotsbury

"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives."
 Henry David Thoreau

Something of a pilgrimage about today as we begin our short trip to K's childhood holiday home in Dorset.  No rush as we wend our merry way through Somerset and Dorset - first stop Wells Cathedral, which was my choice as I have a photo of Dad there taken around 1939.  I've not been there and I was told it was worth a visit - it was.

Next stop Montacute house - this trip is also something of a National Trust tour.  We've been members for about 35 years and for most of that time barely visited any properties, except for using car parking facilities on our frequent holidays in Pembrokeshire when K2 was growing.  Enough for a few hours diversion, a few photos and a refreshment stop!

We're booked in to a Farm B&B in Abbotsbury, as we check in we're told the tradition that young women looking for a husband would visit the chapel, St Catherine was the patron saint of spinsters and virgins apparently, and ask for a bit of help in getting one.  We took a late evening walk to the chapel and the view of Chesil Beach leading down to Weymouth.  Choose your time if you're visiting the area, the roads get a bit busy at peak times.

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