A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Happy birthday Carlos

We are awaiting the imminent arrival of the Birthday Boy who opted for the civilised presents and cards over dinner option as he had a slightly early start to his day. Which has so far been spent working but will soon be spent opening presents, eating curry and ice-cream and drinking beer.

Quick blip survey: the card in the forefront is from Jackson - we have both had a shocker and not read the insides of the cards we chose - his is for the wrong occasion and mine is cheesy beyond words. But that's beside the point...I have a lifelong ongoing argument with Jackson about what is the front of the card. In my (I believe conventional) world he always writes on the back. He insists that he writes on the front and it is logically the front as that is where you open it. It is just him, right?

My lurgy continues, though I am hopeful of the promised thunderstorms to at least cool the world down a little. I did get my throat checked at the GP but it is a fight it yourself viral infection so I went straight to the fruit and veg shop and have bought every mineral and vitamin available in West London. As well as continuing the day/night nurse and gargling regime. And I even did what the doc said and rested this afternoon. Tonight's birthday celebrations are low-key but there is an impending visit to the Blues Bar on Saturday so I am working to a deadline.

Lesley x

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