Life through the lens...

By ValC

Cleveland's Matterhorn.

And we did it! 
 Real name, Roseberry Topping, The Vickings called it Odin's Berg, after the most famous of their gods. The distinctive shape which we see today is however the result of mining operations, including ironstone inthe late 19th century.

A misty start, but the sun came out and it was 27 C  when we got home a 5.30pm.
A wonderful walk/climb, and one of our favourite, but we haven't done it for a few years.
I thought we had taken the easy route from Great Ayton village,but
we were really flagging just before the top. Didn't expect it to be so hot.
Unfortunately the mist didn't clear enough for us to have the wonderful views. Usually we can see right out to sea, and as far as Middlesborough.
The other way we should have seen  over the Cleveland hills to Captain Cook's Monument.
We did however have a feast of pork pies, bought, still warm, from the butchers in Great Ayton.
So after a rest it was a climb down the other side, and back via Airy Holme Farm, the boyhood home of Captain James Cook.
Only 4 and a bit miles, but was glad of a cooling ice cream when we got back to the village.
Glad we made the most of today as they say the weather is changing tonight.

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