Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Painting fences as a GCSE....

I'd like to say there is a high pass rate for this course but I think that there is to much mucking about and silly shenanigans .
Kind next door neighbours had a new fence put up and we ( as in me and my mum) painted our side with wood preserve in the shade of country cream ... we did a good deal of piss taking saying we were preserving the integrity of the wood,you know like the pretentious idiots on the house build programs...
Saturday I'm making my slave (mum) paint the back fence .. I am the best daughter anyone could ever wish for.
Lucy has had a nasty upset as her beloved hamster Pixie Bear died I know little pixie was getting on a bit but it's still sad :-( ... Rambo rabbit escaped early this morning and was found by Kind next door velvet bog eye being 'washed' by their collie dog ... I don't know if Pi the pooch was tenderising Rambo or washing him because he stank ... anyway he's fine and was delivered back by the aforementioned Velvet bog eye who was in her toweling dressing gown and nothing else ... when you spy your own pooch giving next the next door neighbours rabbit a 'clean' you move speedily ...

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