
By bananablip


i came home today to find that this letter and photograph had arrived for me from malawi, from one of the girls i was working with over the summer. it has genuinely made my christmas!!

i have written to gladys (the tall one in the picture) but i didn't think i would hear back. postage would simply be too much of a luxury. but one of the team had been out a couple of weeks ago and brought the letter back.

gladys and i had a great time together in malawi. she was both my chichewa teacher and my netball nemesis. as you can see from the picture, she is very tall and skinny and ran rings around me on the pitch. she is a beautiful person, inside and out! her little sisters (also pictured) were also fab. praise (middle sister) took a while to get used to us but got there in the end but blessings (little sister) never did get past the scared stage!

i hope i will get to see them again soon.

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