Toad lily

Yay, it's Friday and I went to the florist to get fresh flowers. He had this whole mix of purple flowers to make a bouquet from and I rather liked these amongst them. The funny things was that he didn't know their name, and neither did I, but I've found it easily enough. It's a Tricyrtis or Toad Lily (Padden Lelie in Dutch ). Also called Armelui's orchidee, Pauper's orchid, in Dutch because it looks similar to orchids.
The reference to toads is because it was thought that a tribe in The Philippines, where these flowers originate, rubbed these flowers over their bodies to attract toads, which they would then catch and eat.
This proved to be a myth, but the name of the flower stuck nonetheless. For Flower Friday with huge thanks to Bikerbear, our host.

I'm in a bit of a panic, as the landlord is already showing up with two different agents to handle renting the house out after we leave. If there' s anything I dislike it's having the whole house spic and span for viewers (mainly because I'm so good at creating disorder anywhere)

Thanks very much for all the comments, stars and even a fave for yesterday's architectural abstract :-)

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