Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

Sun Flower. Flowers on Friday. FF16

    While I was out this afternoon, minding my own business, as you do, A very nice lady said it was an ideal day for taking photos. She was walking her pet dog and she was quite chatty and said she lived nearby in a road which I walk quite often to get to Portchester Castle. 
    We walked back to her house talking about all the development that is currently going on around her house and road, she kindly showed me her garden. She has lived here for 30-40 years so knows the area very well.
    This is one of the many Sunflowers she has growing in the garden.
I said I would print the shot out for her and when I next walk past her house I will drop it through the letterbox for her.
The extra is the view of Portchester Castle near where we met.

Thank you to Biker Bear for hosting Flowers on Friday. FF16

Hope you are all well. Take care.

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