If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


Sorry its a bird again!  During the year we get no more than half a dozen sightings of warblers in the garden.  Today this one hung around long enough for me to get a shot. Blue Tits away.  Which when you consider the Blue Tit is a couple of cm longer and a couple of grams heavier is cheeky.

Warblers are difficult to identify unless you hear them sing or have them in your hand and more knowledge than I possess.  I tentatively identify this as a Chiffchaff for the following reasons:   The Supercilium isn't very clear, the legs are dark (OK not an infallible guide) and the wing length (not seen in this shot) is short with not much primary projection beyond the tertiaries.

The rest of the day was a Saturday but on Friday.  In other words the Lodge was empty so I cut the grass and prepped the inside today rather than Saturday.

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