Summer Fun

We went to Cutteslowe Park in Oxford today. I can't believe I've never been before - it's fab!
There's a great playground, a massive sand pit and a huge paddling pool which was amazing on a hot day like today. Miss E was practically stripping off as she ran towards it!
I was as unprepared as ever so the Little Misses went in in their knickers. All the other kids were decked out in proper swimsuits so we looked like the tramp family!!!
Ha ha, they need to get used to that!
After the pool they rolled around in the sand pit, ate ice creams, played on the huge castle climbing frame and generally got hotter and filthier!
Today's theme for the August Challenge is "Messy". I took lots of photos which show them dirtier and more dishevelled but this one sums the day up for me so it's more of a before shot!

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