
By stuartjross

Allt Dubh

The Allt Dubh pictured here shortly before it decants in to Loch Arkaig is appropriately named. Allt, burn or stream and Dubh, black or dark in colour.

This complex arrangement of intertwined collapsed tree trunks and major limbs would serve well as a bridge for those with good balance. Anyway I thought it looked interesting so that is the blip.

This still and shady morning provided us, by far, our worst midge experience of the year. All sprays and lotions are ignored by these beasts and any exhertion requiring inhilation by mouth resulted a choking cough as you tried to regurgitate the ones you had swallowed involuntarily. I did resort to the lotion again, not to apply any more vile smelling chemical, but to hit a few over the head with the empty bottle. Thankfully a light breeze built up late morning but those first few hours were pure hell.

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