Market day in Josselin

We left the Gite before 9.00 to look for the Saturday morning market in this beautiful town. Our host has a stall and we wanted to look at her books, Usborne (educational), she is very enthusiastic. In fact she is one amazing woman! The market was excellent, one of the best small town markets we have seen with many local producers and sellers. We bought a range of foody products, the stall holders cheerful and full of humour, if only we could understand them. On one stall a guy had one of those long spit roasts with small hams along the top drizzling onto fowl on the second row drizzling onto roasting potatoes and onions. Normally I wouldn't dream of buying a spit roast bird, never ever. But P our host did a good rave about how good they were and we bought a cannet -small duck - and roast potatoes with juices and onions. Also a noisette of ham, it was excellent with fresh bread and a Compte cheese (18 months matured) at lunch time. The roast is for later.

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