
By Veronica

Blipper's luck

I remember PaulFS saying on his 300th blipday that loading the day's photos from the camera is like "Christmas every day: "the type of Christmas you have as a kid. Plugging that memory card into the PC is like unwrapping a shiny present."

Some of the presents may be duds (well, that must be rare for him, but you know what I mean!), but you also get some lovely surprises that make you glad to be a blipper.

Today I was crawling about in dry grass and prickly thistles pursuing an incredibly tiny butterfly. I kept hopefully focussing and pressing the shutter while thinking, "This is never going to work!" before it flitted off and I once again set off after it. So I truly couldn't believe I'd managed to catch it as well as this. It's less than a centimetre across, and I couldn't see any of these gorgeous markings with my naked eye. Not seen: the inside surface of its wings was a lovely sky blue. So lepidopterists of blipland: what is it? You need to look in large.

Oh, and it's SOOC, except for cropping.

It was really, really hot today. S was guiding a vine-themed walk in the morning. I was supposed to be working, but Orange cut the Internet connection off again. So I packed up a chilled bottle of rosé and some glasses, and decided to treat the walkers to a nice surprise at the designated picnic spot. Which is where I crawled around chasing butterflies while waiting for them to arrive. They looked really pleased to see me :)

And finally, there's a musical backblip for yesterday.

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